+Company name/logo on Team Website
+Personal Thank You Letter
Rewards are granted for 1 year unless stated otherwise
Please send hi-res version of company logo in .eps, .tif, .png or .jpg format to* westernstemboosterclub@gmail.com
Rewards are granted for 2 years**
Rewards are granted for 3 years***
Interested? Click the button down below to get the Order form! Make sure to contact our Booster Club President at westernstemboosterclub@gmail.com
Sponsorship Information
Have a business and want to spread your brand while supporting a local, winning team?
Check out our Sponsorship Info down below!

White Tier

Black Tier
All previous tier rewards
+Company name/logo*
(1.5in x 1.5in (or any variation within 2.25
square inches)) on FTC robots
+Team photo

Gold Tier**
All previous tier rewards
+Name/logo* on banner in the pits/Fundraisers
+Team Plaque
+Company name/logo*
(5in x 5in (or any variation within 25 square inches)) on FRC robots

Platinum Tier**
All Previous Tier rewards
+Company name/logo*
on t-shirts
+Company name/logo*
size increase on FTC robots
â–ª 3in x 3in (or any variation within
9 square inches)

Diamond Tier***
All Previous Tier rewards
+Company name/logo*
in any videos made by the team
+Company name/logo*
size increase on FRC robots
â–ª 4in x 11in (or any variation within
44 square inches))